Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Timeless moments

I never really realized the importance of my career until today. Besides the obvious that I am capturing a super important moment in a couple's life together, of course. But, I'm talking about all the other stuff that goes along with those moments.

A couple that I photographed last year suffered an unexpected loss of the death of the groom's father this weekend. I have become good friends with the wife over the course of the last year and a half,and so the news made me sad for their family. But, what hit me today is that these moments I am capturing, may be the last ones captured of some of the people in a person's life. The family asked if they could have the pictures of the father on a CD so they could add them to the slideshow to be played at the viewing/funeral this week. At first I thought little of it, no big deal I'll copy some pictures and that's that. But as I was sittng at the computer today, scanning through the most important day in their life, it hit me that the older man I was searchin for, was no longer here. How sad it was to think that I am looking at these happy moments of he and his son, moments that happened only a few short months ago, and now...he's gone.

Today brought me to a whole new level as a photographer. Most of the time I am trying so hard to capture the emotion of the bride and groom that I don't often take the time to capture the moments of others that have come to the wedding. I was so angry with myself that I couldn't give this family more than 15 pictures of their dad. I wanted to give them hundreds of him smiling and hugging his newly married son. But, fifteen were all I could produce!

It is so sad to me that it took a person passing away for me to finally get the importance of what I do. It goes way beyond the pictures of the happy bride in her white gown, or the groom hanging out with his groomsmen. But, how important it is to capture that one in a lifetime tear that her father sheds as he gives his little girl away, or that hug between a father and son who rarely show emotion to one another. Or, on a lighter note, the grandmother out on the dance floor dancing to "Get Low".

So, I guess this is a pledge to my new couples, not only will I continue to take photographs that make you look fabulous, but I want to capture all those other moments, moments that you probably missed because you were smashing cake into each other's face (c'mon you know you want to!)

Again, I just want to say, to all the new lovely couples who have placed the responiblity of documenting your day, in my hands...I am so honored. I met so many wonderful people at the Grand Wayne Bridal Show this past weekend and I am looking forward to building a friendship with you and taking fabulous pictures of your beautiful faces!

Until next time,


Monday, February 16, 2009

Bridal Extravaganza!

As most of you know, I did a bridal show at the end of January. I was so skeptical of it, mainly because my fellow photogs who are quite successful say the only advertisement they do is by word of mouth from their customers. But, I feel like in Fort Wayne where our market is so saturated with photographers, it was the right move.

So, I've decided to also do the Grand Wayne show this Sunday, February 22. It's from 12-4 so for any of you lovely brides who are still looking for a photographer, come in and see me, I would LOVE to meet you! Just look for the bright teal booth!!

I just want to thank all my amazing clients who have already made 2009 a success and it's only February! I can't wait to see what else is going to fall in my lap this year.

One of my dreams since starting my business has been to shoot a wedding at the Embassy. I shot one there once a long long time ago before i officially became my own business. But, let's face it, when yo'ure just starting out you don't do all the fun things you should. SO, this May I get to shoot a fantastic couple at the beautiful Embassy! I am so excited to get these super sexy shots of the bride next to all the goudy decor (and I say that in a nice way).

And also, I want to throw out there that I'm not JUST a wedding photographer. I love doing all kinds of photography, it's just that wedding photography is my first love and also pregnant women. What can I say? I love baby bumps :D

Thanks for stoppin by. Stay tuned in the next couple weeks I'll have engagement sessions and weddings coming soon!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Sweet blessings

Admittedly my faith can sometimes stumble when life does not seem to be going my way. No matter how hard I try I find myself looking up and saying, "God are you even listening??" Over the past couple weeks situations have come in my life that extensive prayer was needed on my behalf. I am so thankful for the close group of Believers who joined together and prayed. And I'm so grateful to the Lord for answering them. I've learned, in my life at least, then when the blessings are coming they come in floods and this week has been no exception.

I've met with some amazing couples this week who are planning their wedding. When 2009 began, I wasn't sure how it would go. Taking a huge leap of faith and plunging into the industry with my own business was a bit scary. However, over the course of the last month God has shown me the wonderful path he is laying out for me as a wedding photographer. It humbles me when I am talking to couples and they are so excited for me to be their photographer. To realize that all of these couples trust me to document their love story is an awesome honor that I don't take lightly.

I realize the more I do this, the more I crave to be a part of every wedding I can. I can't get enough of it! I am so excited to see how these weddings come together and the beauty of all my lovely brides. (and my grooms too of course)

I want to say a heart felt thank you to all of you who have already reserved your day with me. I can't wait to be a part of your special day.

During this downtime from weddings, I don't have much to post in the way of pictures but April will begin "Wedding Season" for me and I can't wait to show everyone what I capture!

I hope whatever is happening in your life that you are able to see the sweet Blessings the Lord gives to you, no matter how small they may be.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Well I finally had a few hours to sit down and do a little revamping on the blog, and now it fits me a little more :D

2009 has been a whirlwind already and it's only Februrary! I've been meeting some amazing couples over the last few weeks and can not WAIT to shoot their weddings.

I was so skeptical of doing the bridal show this year, especially after My friend Scarlett and Bobbi+Mike have both said they have never done them before and all of their success has been via word of mouth. But, after praying about it for a while, I decided to take the plunge and I am so glad I did! (Once I find my point and shoot camera, I'll post a pic of the booth).

So, since the show I have been crazy busy with meeting couples, putting together new products, meeting new clients, shooting a couple weddings, meeting clients (you get the idea).

I am so excited for what the year has to bring into my life. Sooooo, if you or anybody you know are getting married, send them my direction. They can email me directly through my WEBSITE !

Hope everyone is having a fabulous day and week thus far.


About Me

My photo
Fort Wayne, IN
I'm a mother, a wife, daughter of Christ,and friend to many. I love everything about my life and where God is leading me.